

2023-06-10 16:55:14


许翠岚主任Well, I can tell you that there are both good and bad things about eating salty fish. On the one hand, it can be a tasty addition to your meals and give you a boost of protein. Plus, some people believe it has some health benefits for things like heart health and digestion.

  However, on the other hand, eating too much salty fish can actually be pretty bad for you. It can increase your risk of high blood pressure and other heart problems, and too much salt in general is just not great for your body. Plus, if you're not careful with how you store and prepare the fish, it could potentially lead to foodborne illness.

  So, as with most things in life, it's all about moderation. A little bit of salty fish here and there can be a nice treat, but you don't wanna overdo it and end up causing yourself health problems down the line.